• For Creatives

    Solo and group residencies for the most adventurous creative souls (be they painters poets, filmmakers, designers, sculptors, or any and all of the things) This is a time to focus in on your work, or explore new inspirations from the Arctic environment. Time slots range from 1-4 weeks in the summer and fall. We are still experimenting with different formats to best support personal work and/or the cross-pollination of ideas so dates and opportunities may look different each season. Applications for 2025 Creative residencies will open in fall of 2024..

  • For Researchers

    For scientists and others doing research in and related to the Arctic. We can provide lodging and field support for regional projects of all kinds, or just provide a much needed break from research and a supportive setting to write, think, and plan for future projects. Contact us to discuss your specific area of study and ways we can be of help. Inquiries accepted on a rolling basis for year round time slots, and artist/scientist collaborations are always especially encouraged!

  • For Volunteers

    We are just starting out on this grand project in a wild and challenging place, so we need all of the help we can get. From re-setting hundreds of stone roof tiles, to painting rooms, or shoring up old barn beams, as well as cataloging and preserving the many old tools and artifacts, there are many jobs to be done. In exchange we can offer a door into a striking and unique part of the world that few get to see. Get in touch for more details about ways to be involved including future work parties.